Emission requirements
We advise and guide our customers in assessing the existing combustion plant, the legal requirements and the options for conversion or replacement.
All medium-sized installations (< 50 MW) must meet the new emission requirements as of January 1, 2017. The requirements no longer only applies to new combustion plants, but also to all existing boilers, engines and gas turbines. This also includes those from before April 1, 2010 or those that were subject to NOx-emissions trading until January 1, 2014.

The consequences of the new emission requirements depend on the type and age of the combustion plant. For many existing combustion plants, the consequences of the new requirements are limited to the timely performance of a new emission measurement. But there are also combustion plants where measures are required, such as adjustment of the burners. In exceptional situations, the combustion system must be converted, replaced or even a new boiler must be installed.
Source and more information regarding the new legislation:
RWS Environment