Project execution EN
Project Execution
New construction and replacement
- Offering a new burner installation according to your specifications.
- Discuss the available data with you as the client and advise you. We then select the right burner installation for you and offer it to you.
Panel construction
Designing, drawing and building switch panels. Suitable for controlling and securing your burner installation.

Installing the burner system you purchased.
- Mounting on the combustion front
- Bricklaying
- Electrical installation
- Piping
Commissioning the burner system you purchased.
Design review
Examining your burner installation and recording the results.
Residual life research
Assessing the burner installation, control and security designed by third parties.
We record the following data:
- The functioning
- Technical state
- Efficiency
- Availability of possibly needed spare parts
Adjusting your burner installation according to new requirements or wishes. This may arise from new insights or changes in your process.
Revision of parts, specific parts of your burner installation that are subject to wear.